1·They said it should be stopped from issuing further credits or approving carbon-trading deals.
2·By thronging together, they create large, liquid markets that drive down trading costs and reduce risks by allowing large deals to be handled.
3·As the traders came out on top in recent years, TED recalled, “they would say, ‘You guys are the real parasites, going to expensive lunches and doing deals on the back of our trading operations.’
4·Much of what you read in this book deals with discretionary trading.
5·Margin trading provides gearing to investors since their small amount of cash will be combined with the large quantities of cash for conducting large deals.
6·Most foreign trading companies in West Africa deals in rubber, cocoa and vegetable oil.
7·Most foreign trading companies in West Africa deals in rubber, cocoa and vegetable oil.
8·This article mainly deals with the problem of assets evaluation and assets trading of enterprises in merger and acquisition.
9·It is an open industry secret that some Chinese trading houses take risky bets that play prices of one market off those of another, and structure deals that allow foreign firms to do the same.
10·They had alleged that Barclays facilitated a number of deals, which contributed to the collapse of the energy trading company.